Thursday, December 15, 2011

Big Bad Musical

Faculty Holiday Gathering

Dr. Z as he is affectionately known at Herrera keeps his staff on their toes but when it is time to kick back, he's always in on the fun. We have the best morale at our school and he and Mrs. Edgerton make sure of that! We had a great faculty get together as you can see by the grins.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Our District Turns 140

Phoenix Elementary turns 140 on October 19th, 2011. Each school in the district is creating a display for the celebration. Since Herrera is the magnet for the Performing Arts, our Fine Arts Team decided to create a model stage peopled with cutouts of students engaged in Fine Art & PE activities. Just to get a sense of the project, I put the cutouts on my virtual stage on the Reaction Grid. Happy Birthday PESD!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fifth and Sixth Grade Photos

Mr. Cabezas, Mr. Medina, Mrs. Amavisca, Mrs. Pinuelas, Ms. Richard, and Mrs. Gore are the 5th and 6th grade teachers at Herrera.

Herrera Panther Teams

Panthers and Lady Panther teams at Herrera are mentored by Coach MacDonald and Coach Wooten. They are assisted by Mr. Medina and Mrs. Hobden. Both teams performed very well this past school year including a basketball championship by the boys' team.

Jr. High Fine Arts Electives: Drawing and Dancing and Drama, Oh My!

7th and 8th graders at Herrera choose two fine art or physical education electives each semester. Mrs. Castrigano and Ms. Strehlow are the visual art teachers at Herrera.
Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Dooh are the dance teachers at Herrera.

Mrs. Eifler, Mr. MacDonald, and Ms. Vacey are the music teachers at Herrera.

Ms. Angulo and Mrs. Dooh are the drama teachers at Herrera.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First and Second Grade Classes

First we have pics of Mrs. Diaz' and Mrs. Esquivel's classes working earlier in the year.

Next we have photos from Mr. Ortega's class in the Media Center and Mrs. Segovia's class in their room.

Although the following was posted earlier in the year, it seems to be more fitting here with other pictures of 1st and 2nd graders.

Familia Herrera

Prior to his Sounds of the Season Concert in December, Mr. MacDonald offered family photos to the families who attended. He printed out the photos which was a wonderful gift from the heart. At Herrera, we value the parents who support their children and now they are part of our Digital Yearbook! Enjoy!